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IR1 Community Road Signing Project


This project aims to upgrade traffic signing on reserve roads to align with current standards, guidelines, and best practices. This upgrade supports Safe Road Design by promoting a traffic environment that improves road safety for all road users, especially pedestrians.

Project Overview

Many signages on IR1 roads are past its service life, obsolete, and/or no longer reflects changed conditions in the community. A review of IR1 signing was conducted and it recommended a set of improvements to upgrade regulatory and warning signs to meet current Canadian and BC standards, guidelines, and best practices.

This project involves installing new traffic signs and signages in Hul'q'umi'num' to promote its living history. These upgraded signing will help to promote road safety for both resident and visiting drivers and pedestrians during the annual Snuneymuxw Days, war canoe races, as well as other special events like JANT or the Coast Salish Games.

Funded To

Snuneymuxw First Nation

Project Stream

Stream 2

Project Year


Project Budget


Health Authority